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Papers in Vascular Biology Accordions

Fundamental Papers

With the help of experts in each discipline, we have identified papers that we believe to be fundamental in the field of vascular biology. You can search by keywords or authors (last name is sufficient). If your keyword appears in the list of tags or in the title of the paper, it will be included in your search results. For additional instructions, click on the gray bar.


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Using the drop down menus you can search on Major Areas and related Topics.  After selecting a major area, you must select a sub-topic.

You can also type in a tag (or keyword).

In the Reference field, you can type a word from the title of the paper or an author's name (Last Name, First Initial).






































































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Click here to load this Caspio Cloud Database


Here is a listing of electronic publications authored by NAVBO members and of relevance to the entire Vascular Biology Community.