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Lymphatic Forum 2025 – Preliminary Program 

Day 1 – Thursday, June 12 
8:20-8:30am Welcome Remarks (Tsutomu Kume)
8:30-12:00pm Plenary Session 1 – Lymphatics Development and Differentiation
Chair: Hyun-Min Jung, University of Illinois, Chicago
8:30-9:00amNovel insights into lymphatic-associated organs and cells from the zebrafish
Brant Weinstein (NIH)
9:00-9:30amMechanisms of lymphatic vascular specialization
Tatiana Petrova (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
9:30-10:00amDevelopmental evolution and plasticity of lymphatic endothelial cells
Ben Hogan (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia)
10:00-10:30amCoffee Break
Kaska Koltowska (Uppsala University, Sweden)
11:00-11:30amA novel neuro-lymphatic communication regulates lymphatic development and function
Xiaolei Liu (Temple University)
11:30am-12:00pmShort Talks (from selected abstracts)
12:00-1:30pmLunch (on your own)

For Trainees: Career Development Round Table – Learning networking skills
($10 pre-registration required/includes lunch)

1:30-5:00pm Plenary Session 2 – Lymphatic Fluid Regulation
Chair: Tsutomu Kume, Northwestern University
1:30-2:00pmUnraveling the meningeal lymphatics and their connections for cerebrospinal fluid drainage
Gou Young Koh (KAIST, South Korea)
2:00-2:30pmHigh resolution in vivo imaging of cerebrospinal fluid clearance to lymphatics
Steven Proulx (University of Bern, Switzerland)
2:30-3:00pmShort Talks (from selected abstracts)
3:30-4:00pmUnique properties of lymphatic muscle cells enable spontaneous, phasic contractions
Michael Davis (University of Missouri)
4:00-4:30pmThe role of lymphatics in TSC disease
Ying Yang (University of South Florida)
4:30-5:00pmShort Talks (from selected abstracts)
5:30-7:30pmWelcome Dinner
7:30-9:30pmPoster Presentation 1
Day 2 – Friday, June 13
8:30am-12:00pm Plenary Session 3 – Lymphatic-Immune Crosstalk
Chair: TBD
Melody Schwartz (University of Chicago)
Nathan E. Reticker-Flynn (Stanford University)
9:30-10:00amNavigating Immunity: Leukocyte-Lymphatic Crosstalk
Cornelia Halin Winter (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
10:00-10:30amCoffee Break
10:30-11:00am TBD
Gwendalyn J. Randolph (Washington University)
11:30am-12:00pm Short Talks (from selected abstracts)
12:00-1:30pmLunch (on your own)

For Trainees: Career Development Round Table – Managing Your Career
($10 pre-registration required/includes lunch)

1:30-4:50pm Plenary Session 4 – Lymphatics in Metabolism
Chair: Guillermo Oliver, Northwestern University
1:30-2:00pmAmeliorating Metabolic Syndrome: Foxc2 as Novel Target
Hong Chen (Harvard Medical School)
2:00-2:30pmAssessment of Lymphatic Function for Early Detection of Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Humans
Catherine Martel (Montreal Heart Institute, Canada)
2:30-3:00pmMechanisms of lymphatic growth and specialization
Michael Potente (Berlin Institute of Health, Germany)
3:20-3:50pmCollecting Lymphatic Vessel Dysfunction in Obesity and Dyslipidemia
Jorge Castorena-Gonzalez (Tulane University)
Susan Quaggin (Northwestern University)
4:20-4:50pmShort Talks (from selected abstracts)
5:00-6:30pm Plenary Session 5 – Unsolved Issues and Gaps in Lymphatic Disease
Chair: Carrie Shawber, Columbia University
Stanley Rockson (Stanford University)
5:20-5:40pmPodoplanin hetero-insufficiency mice with inflammation in the jejunum demonstrates a good animal model of congenital protein-losing enteropathy with lymphangioectasia 
Toshio Ohashi (Shinshu University, Japan)
June Wu (Columbia University)
6:00-6:30pmPanel Discussion among above speakers
6:30-8:00pmDinner (on your own)
8:00-10:00pmPoster Presentation 2
Day 3 – Saturday, June 14
8:15-9:15amYoung Investigator Session
Chairs: Two Postdocs will be chosen from applications
Four short talks from selected trainee abstracts will be presented
9:15am-12:00pmConcurrent Session 1 (Disease-oriented)
Lymphatic Disease Detection,
Therapeutic Innovations, Clinical Trials
Chair: June Wu, Columbia University
Lymphatic Malformation and Pathobiology and Clinical Trials
Chair: Luisa Iruela-Arispe, Northwestern Univ
Ramaswamy Kalyanasundaram (UIC)
Lymphatic anomalies: From genes and pathophysiology towards therapeutic trials
Miikka Vikkula (UCLouvain, Belgium)
9:45-10:15amSurgical Management of Lymphedema
David Chang (University of Chicago)
Proteostasis defects downstream of PI3K hyperactivation in lymphatic anomalies; A novel therapeutic target
Carrie Shawber (Columbia University)
10:15-10:45amLeveraging biomaterials to improve lymphatic formation and function in lymphedema
J. Brandon Dixon (Georgia Tech)
Medical Management of Lymphatic Anomalies (Clinical Trials and Future Trials)
Denise Adams (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
10:45-11:00amCoffee Break
11:00-11:30amDiagnosis of lymphatic disease with MR lymphangiography
Andreas Loening (Stanford University)
A single-cell atlas of normal and KRASG12D-malformed lymphatic vessels
Michael Dellinger (UT Southwestern)
11:30am-12:00pmIntestinal Lymph Interactions in Metabolic Control
Natalie Trevaskis (Monash University, Australia)
Cerebral venous blood flow regulates brain clearance via meningeal lymphatics
Stéphanie Lenck (Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital)
12:00-12:30pmShort Talks (from selected abstracts)Short Talks (from selected abstracts)
12:30-2:00pmLunch (on your own)
2:00-4:45pmConcurrent Session 2 (Disease-oriented)
Lymphatics, Cancer, and Metastasis
Chair: Jan Kitajewski, UIC
Lymphatic Dysfunction in Human Diseases
Chair: Stanley Rockson, Stanford University
2:00-2:30pmAging-induced changes in lymphatic system function
Timothy Padera (Harvard Medical School)
Natasza Kurpios (Cornell University)
2:30-3:00pmCell migration in lymph node mimicking microenvironments
Susan Thomas (Georgia Tech)
New insight about the functional roles of lymphatics in cardiac growth and repair
Guillermo Oliver (Northwestern University)
3:00-3:30pmTumor Microenvironmental Dynamics Driving Local and Systemic T Cell Responses
Dennis Jones (Boston University)
Phenotyping and Genotyping of Primary Lymphatic Anomalies
Pia Ostergaard (St George’s University)
3:30-4:00pmCoffee Break
3:45-4:15pmMicrophysiological Systems for Lymphatic and Cancer Research
Esak Lee (Cornell University)
Genomics Informs Precision Medicine for Individuals with Lymphatic Anomalies
Sarah Sheppard (NIH)
4:15-4:45pmShort Talks (from selected abstracts)Regulation of Lymphatic Function during Acute Lung Injury
Hasina Outtz Reed (Weill Cornell)
4:45-5:00pmClosing Remarks